During May 6-9 "Grain of Wheat" foundation organized training for directors, program coordinators and camp counselors from across Moldova. Several of key camp leaders from KBC attended the event in preparation for the summer of camps and evangelism. In conclusion of the event Evghenii shared a presentation of "Key Reasons for Camp Outreach" giving Biblical examples from the life of Christ and Scriptures. In conclusion of the presentation Evghenii shared practical ways once can keep the passion for the youth and teens burning. Prayer Request: Please pray for five camps Kishinev Bible Church is organizing this summer - youth camps, English camp, Apologetics Camps and Upgrade Teen Camp. Grain of Wheat International partnered with Kishinev Bible Church in brining children to the camps for the last three years. We are very grateful for this partnership in the Gospel. Below is an article titled Olea's Story from "Grain of Wheat" brochure describing the impact of the camps in Moldova. Due to the extremely poor economic conditions in Moldova, migration is an enormous problem, with people leaving in droves to find work in other countries. Often, it is the children who reap the harshest consequences.
Little Olea is a prime example. Living in the town of Ocnitsa, in the north, Olea’s world fell bleak and unsettled when her parents divorced and went their separate ways to find work abroad. Fortunately, Olea’s grandmother cared enough to take her in and her situation turned out to be providential. You see, Olea’s grandmother attended a church that partnered with Grain of Wheat to host a camp for local children. When Olea arrived at camp the first day, she was taken aback by the warmth, joy and acceptance of the people. “In camp the atmosphere was like an unreal world,” Olea remembers. “People smiled at each other and no one shouted or offended each other. I was delighted to come to camp, because the atmosphere was full of love. In the beginning I only came to play. But later, through the Bible lessons, I began to understand how much God loves me and what He did for me. Today I can’t imagine my life without church and children's club. I believe that all of my family will come to Christ one day." Today, Olea helps at her church by ministering to the children there and her newfound faith is an ongoing journey.
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