Church and Church Planting: Since its foundation Kishinev Bible Church has as its vision opening evangelical churches in Moldova. One of the values of KBC is authority of the local church, thus each local church that has been and will be opened are autonomous and may join Bible Church in Republic of Moldova (BCRM) on voluntary basis since BCRM functions as an association. The churches planting campaigns were conducted in the localities such as Chisinau, Troetscoe, Comrat, Britchani, Cheadir-Lunga.
Higher Education: In 1995 Bible Church in Republic of Moldova founded Moldova Bible Seminary (MBS). MBS offers a four year undergraduate degree with focus on theology and Christian education. The goal is to train national missionaries who will start new churches as well as become missionaries in Easter European countries as well as in Central Asia (former USSR republics). Since its foundation MBS graduated over one hundred graduates who have worked for both local as well as international organizations such as Campus Crusade for Christ, Young Life, Youth for Christ, SportQuest, Athletes in Action, Gospel of John Mission, Crossway International, etc.
Lay Minister Training: MBS is offering a certificate program in Russian language that is taught by the graduates of MBS. This program titled Leadership Training Institute consists of ten courses taken over year and a half and is designed to train lay ministers for the local churches. Since 2003 this program graduated twenty ministers. Graduates serve in prison ministry, Christian school, and sunday schools as well as involved in pastoral ministry in local churches.
Children's Ministry: Since 1995 the church has been organizing summer project for children, commonly known in USA as Vacation Bible Schools (VBS). For years members of Kishinev Bible Church have led numerous bible clubs for children across the capital city. This helped in the development of Sunday School Ministry for children and Children's Church that continue to operate on weekly basis.
Camp Ministry: Since 2007 the church has been organizing a camp outside of the city in the village of Pohrebeni. This ministry has been growing every year offering camps for children as well as youth. Currently there are plans for three camps in the coming summer and the church is in the process of of acquiring the camp so that this ministry would become an on-going all-summer ministry.
Inner-city Sports Camps: Since 1996 the church is conducting summer sports week-long camps in the different areas of the capital city of Chisinau. These camps provide an opportunity for youth and teenagers to play soccer, basketball, volleyball, etc. and also participate in an american club where they learn about life of teenagers in United States as well as get a chance to hear the Gospel. These camps mostly are led in partnership with visiting teams of believers from USA churches.
Prison Ministry: Since 1996 Kishinev Bible Church began a ministry to local prisons and continues this ministry to this day. At this time this ministry is reaching weekly into four different prisons including a women's prion and prion hospital.
Social Work: Kishinev Bible Church organizes various projects that allow its members to impact the community they live in and especially those whop are most disadvantaged. The latest example is a food distribution project to the elderly and veterans in the neighborhood of the church's location that reached over hundred and twenty people.
Outreach to Firefighters: In 2008-2009 the church had an opportunity to partner with International Fire Relief Mission to provide fire protection gear to Moldovan Fire Departments as humanitarian assistance. This was done in close relationship with Moldovan Government as we as with assistance of US Department of State. Two shipments of fire protection gear were distributed to about a dozen fire departments across Moldova. In addition the team of USA Firemen has conducted a series of training sessions for Moldovan firemen. This also opened an opportunity for providing Chaplancy services to Moldovan fire departments. There are also plans to continue this partnership in the years to come.
National Missionary Work: Kishinev Bible Church is sending and commissioning missionaries, especially those trained at Moldova Bible Seminary. An example is an on-going church planting effort in Cheadir-Lunga, Moldova. A 2004 MBS graduate (former staff with Campus Crusade for Christ-Moldova) is working on planting a church in his home town. KBC has assisted him by finding financial support partners in USA as well as connecting him with church in Florida that sends a team every year to assist in his work.
International Short Term Missionary Work: For the last five years Moldova Bible Seminary sent teams of its students and graduates to work in Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Russia. Teams to Kyrgyzstan work in small villages conduction community projects as well as English camps. Usually the team spends up to forty five days on the field. Teams to Russia worked with local churches by helping them establish youth clubs and ministries. This was made possible through the partnership with with a congregation in Lexington, SC.
International Long Term Missionary Work: Moldova Bible Seminary with Kishinev Bible Church is sending and commissioning missionaries, especially those trained at MBS. For the last five years MBS sent teams of its students and graduates to work in Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Russia of a short term mission from 14 to 45 days. An example of a full time international ministry is a missionary in Kyrgyzstan (MBS Class 2008) who works alongside USA missionaries in helping provide translation of Bible narrative in the vernacular of the people group among which they work. KBC was able to do this because of a partnership with a local church in Midland, TX.
Christian School Education: From 2000 till 2004 the church opened a Christian elementary and middle school. The school has worked for these years providing general education for children of Christians from various denominations with Bible integrated into its curriculum. The teachers were undergoing training with ASCI in Kiev, Ukraine. After Moldovan Government passed a law requiring each private school to own a building they operate in the school board has decided to close the school due to the lack of funds for building acquisition.
Medical Missions: For a number of years Kishinev Bible Church had opportunities to partner with Medical Team International (formerly Northwest Medical Teams International) and Feed the Children in providing medical care to Moldovan people as well as building renovations in a local hospital. The teams of USA doctors provided services ranging from sophisticated eye-surgery to basic medical care in villages. Though this ministry was on hold for several years there is a scheduled team for this summer to initiate a new partnership in this area with tow churches (one in Texas and one in Illinois). In the past our church assisted in delivery and distribution of medical aid containers which also stopped due to changes in local laws that prohibited these USA based charities to send medical supplies.
Higher Education: In 1995 Bible Church in Republic of Moldova founded Moldova Bible Seminary (MBS). MBS offers a four year undergraduate degree with focus on theology and Christian education. The goal is to train national missionaries who will start new churches as well as become missionaries in Easter European countries as well as in Central Asia (former USSR republics). Since its foundation MBS graduated over one hundred graduates who have worked for both local as well as international organizations such as Campus Crusade for Christ, Young Life, Youth for Christ, SportQuest, Athletes in Action, Gospel of John Mission, Crossway International, etc.
Lay Minister Training: MBS is offering a certificate program in Russian language that is taught by the graduates of MBS. This program titled Leadership Training Institute consists of ten courses taken over year and a half and is designed to train lay ministers for the local churches. Since 2003 this program graduated twenty ministers. Graduates serve in prison ministry, Christian school, and sunday schools as well as involved in pastoral ministry in local churches.
Children's Ministry: Since 1995 the church has been organizing summer project for children, commonly known in USA as Vacation Bible Schools (VBS). For years members of Kishinev Bible Church have led numerous bible clubs for children across the capital city. This helped in the development of Sunday School Ministry for children and Children's Church that continue to operate on weekly basis.
Camp Ministry: Since 2007 the church has been organizing a camp outside of the city in the village of Pohrebeni. This ministry has been growing every year offering camps for children as well as youth. Currently there are plans for three camps in the coming summer and the church is in the process of of acquiring the camp so that this ministry would become an on-going all-summer ministry.
Inner-city Sports Camps: Since 1996 the church is conducting summer sports week-long camps in the different areas of the capital city of Chisinau. These camps provide an opportunity for youth and teenagers to play soccer, basketball, volleyball, etc. and also participate in an american club where they learn about life of teenagers in United States as well as get a chance to hear the Gospel. These camps mostly are led in partnership with visiting teams of believers from USA churches.
Prison Ministry: Since 1996 Kishinev Bible Church began a ministry to local prisons and continues this ministry to this day. At this time this ministry is reaching weekly into four different prisons including a women's prion and prion hospital.
Social Work: Kishinev Bible Church organizes various projects that allow its members to impact the community they live in and especially those whop are most disadvantaged. The latest example is a food distribution project to the elderly and veterans in the neighborhood of the church's location that reached over hundred and twenty people.
Outreach to Firefighters: In 2008-2009 the church had an opportunity to partner with International Fire Relief Mission to provide fire protection gear to Moldovan Fire Departments as humanitarian assistance. This was done in close relationship with Moldovan Government as we as with assistance of US Department of State. Two shipments of fire protection gear were distributed to about a dozen fire departments across Moldova. In addition the team of USA Firemen has conducted a series of training sessions for Moldovan firemen. This also opened an opportunity for providing Chaplancy services to Moldovan fire departments. There are also plans to continue this partnership in the years to come.
National Missionary Work: Kishinev Bible Church is sending and commissioning missionaries, especially those trained at Moldova Bible Seminary. An example is an on-going church planting effort in Cheadir-Lunga, Moldova. A 2004 MBS graduate (former staff with Campus Crusade for Christ-Moldova) is working on planting a church in his home town. KBC has assisted him by finding financial support partners in USA as well as connecting him with church in Florida that sends a team every year to assist in his work.
International Short Term Missionary Work: For the last five years Moldova Bible Seminary sent teams of its students and graduates to work in Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Russia. Teams to Kyrgyzstan work in small villages conduction community projects as well as English camps. Usually the team spends up to forty five days on the field. Teams to Russia worked with local churches by helping them establish youth clubs and ministries. This was made possible through the partnership with with a congregation in Lexington, SC.
International Long Term Missionary Work: Moldova Bible Seminary with Kishinev Bible Church is sending and commissioning missionaries, especially those trained at MBS. For the last five years MBS sent teams of its students and graduates to work in Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Russia of a short term mission from 14 to 45 days. An example of a full time international ministry is a missionary in Kyrgyzstan (MBS Class 2008) who works alongside USA missionaries in helping provide translation of Bible narrative in the vernacular of the people group among which they work. KBC was able to do this because of a partnership with a local church in Midland, TX.
Christian School Education: From 2000 till 2004 the church opened a Christian elementary and middle school. The school has worked for these years providing general education for children of Christians from various denominations with Bible integrated into its curriculum. The teachers were undergoing training with ASCI in Kiev, Ukraine. After Moldovan Government passed a law requiring each private school to own a building they operate in the school board has decided to close the school due to the lack of funds for building acquisition.
Medical Missions: For a number of years Kishinev Bible Church had opportunities to partner with Medical Team International (formerly Northwest Medical Teams International) and Feed the Children in providing medical care to Moldovan people as well as building renovations in a local hospital. The teams of USA doctors provided services ranging from sophisticated eye-surgery to basic medical care in villages. Though this ministry was on hold for several years there is a scheduled team for this summer to initiate a new partnership in this area with tow churches (one in Texas and one in Illinois). In the past our church assisted in delivery and distribution of medical aid containers which also stopped due to changes in local laws that prohibited these USA based charities to send medical supplies.