![]() A group of over eighty young leaders gathered at KBC ministry center to learn about the way to have a civilized conversation with the secular world. The speaker was Dr. Thomas Woodward who is the president of C.S. Lewis Society (est. 1975 in Princeton University). Dr. Woodward is also editor of the Apologetics.org. Based on the life of "Jack" and his idea of the radio program that later became the world renowned "Mere Christianity" the seminars were an amazing opportunity to grow and learn. Part of the KBC Ministries vision is discipleship and preparation for ministry of the young leaders who will be changing their class-rooms and workplaces wi the message of the Gospel. It is a blessing to partner with Kishinev Bible Church and Moldova Bible Seminary on these special events designed to disciple the emerging generation.
During the Rethink Week organized by the IFES in the north of Moldova (city of Balti), over 120 young people from the university gathered together to hear the presentation on lines of argumentation to demonstrate a case for Intelegent Design. From astrophysics to geology to microbiology the evidence points to the grreat mind and the Designer. Dr. Woodward and Evghenii Sologubenco served together and in adition to the lecture format had an amazing opportunity to interact with numerous groups of students sharing the good news. This was an evangelistic event and we are thankful to International Fellowship of Evangelical Students (Intervarsity) for the opportunity to share. The expectation was to have approximately sixty-seventy students come to the event. It was a pleasant surprise to see over hundred and twenty people show up. It was reported that by the end of the outreach at least eight have given their lives to Christ.
Kishinev Bible Church in partnership with Moldova Bible Seminary had the opportunity to offer a series of talks on Intelligent Design for the churches and believers from across the city of Chisinau (Moldova). The seminars focused on the problems with the theory of evolution and Darwinism in particular. These problems have come to light with the new discoveries in the area of DNA and Epigenetics. Dr. Thomas Woodward is a leading historian of Intelligent Design in the world and author of a number of books on the subject-matter. The seminars offered brought together over 130 students, ministers and people who wanted a fresh look. They learned about the conversation taking place even now in science community about the limits of Darwinian theory. Dr. Woodward shared about the evidence from DNA and complexity on molecular level that point to an Intelligent Designer of life.
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October 2024